About Solihull
Health Check Clinic

Our purpose built clinic is situated in the beautiful village of Dickens Heath, close to Shirley and Solihull with free parking available close by.


Here at the multi-award-winning Solihull Health Check Clinic, we understand that leading a healthy lifestyle is the most important way you can maintain your health as you get older. We will undertake comprehensive, painless, accurate, affordable and convenient screening tests to give us a good ideaif you require further investigations.

Our purpose

Many serious conditions can be reversed if identified early enough. Having these simple tests done every year, allows us to identify changes in your health and deal with them quickly. All of our simple and non-invasive tests are suitable for those who just want reassurance and support while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as well as those who already have conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, that require monitoring.

We offer simple blood screening that can identify important risk factors for heart disease and diabetes. The instruments we use to perform your tests are lab accurate and are used by major hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and laboratories. Results are provided in a comprehensive report and any advice and lifestyle recommendations are given in an action plan.


Jacqueline Boden


Bios are usually kept brief…but several of the people that I have seen about Menopause issues over the last 3 years, have said that they read my bio wanting to know what sort of person I am – whether they might feel that they could talk and relate to me, as well as what my qualifications and experience are- so this is my attempt to give you some clues, on which to base your decision.

About Me

I am a Postmenopausal person, who is also a Dr – I love my job, I have a husband, 3 (grown up) children, a Mother and a Sister who give me lots of joy (and some stress). I value my friends, some of whom I have known since Junior School.

I also love travelling, long haul, medium haul and short haul (the last in our touring caravan). I have never been described as sporty, but I like to keep fit and enjoy walking, yoga, cycling (on the flat) I enjoy being both on and in the water; sailing big and small boats and have recently had a go at Paddle Boarding; I hold a PADI advanced diving certificate ( warm water only – you can tell I’m not overly hardy !!), I like outside, dabble in gardening especially if I can enjoy the sight, smell or taste of my labours , and will have a go at most crafts – cross stitch, knitting and rag rugging are all currently in progress – and I can lose myself in cooking too. I believe that nature, exercise and mindful activities are essential to wellness and happiness, as is feeling as comfortable as possible in one’s own skin.

About my Training and Qualifications

I attended Queen Marys’ High School Walsall, then studied medicine at St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School in London, and graduated in July 1987. I worked in and around London for 3 years in specialities including A&E, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Psychiatry and General >Medicine/Cardiology, then completed my GP Training year in Burwell near Newmarket in 1992- 1993.

I became a partner in a small, family GP Practice in North Worcestershire in 1994, where I spent a very happy 26 years, most of which as the only female Doctor, also working at the Brook Advisory Clinics in Birmingham and in Tipton for many years. I have always been interested in Women’s Health, Sexual Health, Gender Identity issues, Psychological Medicine including neurodiversity, and Substance Misuse. I have spent some time working in the Sexual Health Clinic at our local Hospital.

My interest in the issues occurring for people during Perimenopause and Menopause grew when I started to experience it for myself, and in 2015, I completed the 2 day BMS training course and hold the BMS Certificate in Menopause Care, and by 2019 I was working in a private Menopause Clinic in Warwickshire – eventually 3 days per week, and also completing the Confidence in Menopause Course.

I am a member of the BMS (British Menopause Society), IMS (International Menopause Society), and West Midlands Menopause Society.

I feel passionate that if people are given the opportunity to be heard and ask the questions they need to ask, and are offered good, evidence-based advice on how to navigate their Peri and Menopause (looking at hormones, lifestyle and stresses, as well as physical health,) this is an opportunity to re-set and live the lives they want to live in the way that best suits them.

I believe that hormones are part of the answer, but not all of the answer- and I want to be able to help you to find the approach that works best for you.


You’ll find us in
Dickens Heath, Solihull

Solihull Heath Check Clinic

The Lighthouse, 8 Gorcott Lane,
Dickens Heath, Solihull, B90 1FF

0121 745 7400