Allergy Screening

A Well Man or Well Woman health check can reassure you that your health is on-track, give you knowledge of any health issues you may have and indicate any key lifestyle changes that could benefit your long term health and well-being.
Our Well Man and Well Woman Health Screening appointments offer comprehensive testing.
Results can be the same day or if not, results are usually within 24 hrs. We are one of the most competitively priced and detailed services available within the local field of Health Care.
You can contact our team and have a confidential chat before deciding about what health checks you need.
Why should I have a Well Man / Well Woman Check?
The best choice for preventative healthcare
Evaluate risks and help to plan for future healthcare
Blood Pressure. Heart Rate: AF. Oxygen Saturation Level. Body Composition. Urinalysis. Bowel/ Colon Screen. Lung Function. Kidney Test. Diabetic Blood Test. Cholesterol.
Full Biochemistry Blood Test.
For men – PSA and Testicular Screening.
For women – Menopause Screening Tool and Breast Awareness Screening Tool.
Full Report with results and Personal Action Plan.
Blood tests are not included.
Prices vary from £150.00 depending on individual requirements.
We also offer a wide variety of other services:
Our tightly-knit team work together to provide you with the best clinical and customer service possible